Thursday, June 21, 2007

Why do I feel like I've heard this liturgy before???

Fr. Z notes that one of Gerald's readers has obtained a copy of "a Trautman draft of the Mass" (scroll down to the bottom of the post). Somehow it seems familiar . . . (h/t Diogenes at CWN)

Further update: From Fr. Z's comments, one "Le Renard" posts:

Ordo Missae Cum Populo – 2007 Edition

Priest: My peeps, let’s roll with the Lord, givin’ Him props and love

Yo, Bid Daddy upstairs (Our Father, who art in heaven)
You be chillin (Hallowed be thy name)
So be yo hood (Thy Kingdom come)
You be sayin’ it, I be doin’ it (Thy will be done)
In this here hood and yo’s (On earth as it is in heaven)
Gimme some eats (Give us this day our daily bread)
And cut me some slack, (And forgive us our trespasses)
Sos I be doin’ it to dem dat diss me (As we forgive those who trespass against us)
don’t be pushing me into no jive (And lead us not into temptation)
and keep dem Crips away (But deliver us from evil)
‘Cause you always be da Man (For thine is the Kingdom, the power and the glory forever and ever.)
Aaa-men (Amen)


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