Monday, April 03, 2006


I'm so not making this up.

(BTW, I don't know that I've ever posted on My Favorite Band Ever, so I thought I'd just note that I still love this song - it became my fave when Pop [which I personally think is very underrated, but then Zooropa is my 3rd-favorite album, so you could say my U2-taste is, um, different] came out, and it still is. Probably b/c it's so personal for Bono. And, even if I didn't know anything about them, I think I'd still love this, my favorite U2 lyric, for the emotion, the syncopation, and that great last line:
Lookin' for a sound that's gonna drown out the world.
Lookin' for the father of my two little girls.
Got the swing, got the sway, got my straw in lemonade.
Still lookin' for the face I had before the world was made.

And if you look at the comments at the linked article, you'll see that just b/c I love U2, DOES NOT mean I love the idea of a U2charist! Oh no!!! I have no Desire for that! It would just make me ask if I could come back tomorrow . . .)


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