Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Chapters: Bravely standing up for freedom of expression in the face of Islamist threats

As noted in the National Post:

Considering the cartoons have sparked violence and riots around the world, Indigo Books and Music Inc., Canada’s largest bookstore chain, is refusing to put the latest issue of the Western Standard on its shelves.

I searched the corporate side of the Chapters website, but couldn't find any news releases about this. However, that's not surprising -- considering that Chapters-Indigo postures as a protector of free speech just like every other modern bookstore, they wouldn't want to give this a higher profile than it has.

But, you know, like many other Catholics and Christians I find The DaVinci Code very offensive (to my faith, but even more so to my intellect), so when are they going to ban it? Oh, that's right, we don't riot, burn down bookstores, etc.


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